Heaven and Hell

I have had this thought in my head for a while now, because like everyone I think about the after life. At least I believe everyone thinks about what happens when they die.  What will happen? Where does your soul go? Do you still exist after you die?

No one on earth can be 100% sure of what happens, but I believe that there is a Heaven and there is a Hell. I’m fairly confident in this, but I don’t think I view them the same as most people. This is what I think:

Heaven is more beautiful, more like paradise than we can ever imagine. It is a perfect paradise filled with love and God. It is his wonderful, bright home where he is throwing the best party ever. There is music, amazing food, awesome people, and so much fun. It is greater than any festival, feast, celebration, or gathering that has ever   been or will ever be. And it is for anyone who wants to come.

Through out your life God invites you to this amazing, awesome, and wonderful party. He just asks that you respond and tell him if you want to go to the party. He asks because he has created you and wants you to be part of his celebration.

Some people decide or think that they can’t go to the party. They believe that they need to be better, they need to be cleaner, or that there is no actual festival. What ever the reason the do not go to the party.

Now, there is a bouncer at Heaven’s party. He has all the names of people who responded, who said they would go. Everyone will stand in line and try to get into the awesome party, but some will be turned away because the host does not know them. Why would the host of a party allow some one they do not know into their home? Would you be able to get into a big party, or fancy celebration without being on the list?

Those who told God that they would not be joining, go to the other party. Those who turn from God and tell him that they do not want to celebrate with him go to Hell.

I imagine it as the house across the street from the huge house party. This ‘party’ does not have a bouncer and all is welcomed. The major issue with this is that the host of this party is not as great as the other host. The party is not for his guests, but for himself. He does not care about those at the party and there is no celebrating. It is a dirty and stinky house on fire with no rules, except that you must stay at the party for eternity.  You can see the true celebration with food and fun, but can not go there. You can see other people enjoying themselves, but can not partake in the fun. You simply sit in the crowded house and watch others try to escape or try to fight for control. No one ever succeeds, but they try.

Which house do you want to go to?